Friday, May 30, 2008

Spit Happens

(^^Not Gentrie^^)

This morning after Gentrie got fed I was playing with her. I lifted her high above my head and was making noises at her. She looked right at me with a smile on her face and threw up right into my mouth. I now know what breast milk and stomach acid taste like when they are mixed. I think that she did it on purpose. Now she is grounded this week.


Ty and Masha said...

That is SO gross. I came pretty close to experiencing that, but I was lucky to get away fast. Good luck with you taste buds, they will never be the same. SICK!

Alyson said...

That is so sick! UGH! I can't even imagine...

Alyson said...

Sorry about the phone number being wrong. That was our house number, but since we moved we don't have it anymore...just our cell phones. I guess that tells you how often I call Grandma. :o)